my hairs died black
i wear converse and vans
skinny jeans
im a girl
my hair covers my face and the front is long and the other side is short and the back is shorter
i luv p!atd , fob, good charlotte and green day
i cry at night when nobody hears me
dont smile much and if i do im either forced or just to be nice
black nailpolish and i hate preps but one thing i like to shop at rock and republic gucci chanel and kitson and hot topic
Am i emo???
Probably not since you asked the question. If anything, you sound like a poser.
Are you a loser? More than likely.
Am i emo???
Well yes and no, your kinda punk and kinda emo. I would say, by the music you listen to, your more on the punk side
Am i emo???
Your whatever you want to be. Don't let anyone label you.
Am i emo???
yeah, i suggest you get a good hair dresser.
Am i emo???
1) y do you hate me???? =(
ne way there is a good chance you mmight be goth....
Am i emo???
no, you sound like a poser. unless you cut yourself for attention, then you are emo.
Am i emo???
good charlotte isn't nor green day
gob is kinda
emo means emotional though
maybe since you cry at night.
if you slit your wrist then yes
Am i emo???
you're only emo if you cut yourself and hate your life...
Am i emo???
Sounds EMO to me
Am i emo???
kinda it depends on how emotional you are ..emo
Am i emo???
Well depends... You could be emo if you cry infront of people.. cuzz really everyone crys when no ones watching :P you sound more to me like one of those fake *** scene kids, scene kids = emo without the "emotion"
Am i emo???
Am i emo???
Am i emo???
yea u no u are, i hate emo's , trying to be fuking depressed for no good reason, stupid b*tch, wen something bad happenes ul realize
Am i emo???
You dress emo, but that doesn't mean you are emo. I'm not emo at all but I like black nail polish and skinny jeans.. it's just personal taste, really.
Am i emo???
Junipero think you must be EMO . . . or an IDIOT . . .
Am i emo???
ur u....%26amp; what does it matter what ppl think u r....if ur happy thats all that really matters...but the whole thing bout cryn at night. thats not right, if ur hurt bout something talk to someone bout it, its not good keepn it inside too long...good luck %26amp; god bless
Am i emo???
it is just sort of a label for people like you; it's just a stereotype for people who wear black and go to hot topic, that they cut themselves and hate the world; no one is really emo, it's really just a music genre, called emotive core. But id work on that crying thing, a little weird. You probably are just asking this for kicks anyway.
Am i emo???
ur onley emo if you want to be. my girlfriend does that sometimes theres nothing wrong with that shes not emo ar goth shes herself but she does hang around preps because shes popular.
But what im saying is be urself..
Am i emo???
Yes, FOB is the gayest and most emo band alive...crazy!
Am i emo???
You're not emo unless you cut yourself, because you want attention. So, you're not emo. Don't worry.
Do you live in New York? That is a big thing at my school right now. Everybody call each other emo. It's really starting to get retarded.
Am i emo???
i like AE clothing, i like those songs where it makes me think about life yet in a sad kinda way, i love listening to musik in the dark, i have my emo days...does that make me "emo?"
guess it depends how u see yourself
Am i emo???
Am i emo???
is the sky blue?
Am i emo???
Why do you care whether you're 'emo' or not??? Just be yourself, because it doesn't matter what labele you fit in with in the end.
Am i emo???
it depends. do you want to be? i was this same way for a while, except minus the hair dyed, fingernails and tight jeans lol. i would of, but my dads a pastor, and now im amissionary kid and that doesnt fly over too well with my parents. lol. just be whoever you want to be, dont try to fit in, just be yourself. i for one know that I respect someone who is theirself more than someone trying to impress others. I respect them because i struggle with it, and i know how hard it is. yea, be yourself, your awesome that way!!!!
Am i emo???
You are scene, not emo. Peole often get those confused. A scene person may dress in black and listen to hard rock and wear all those clothes, but they could still be considered scene or posers if you don't mind. Some scene people do it just because they think the clothes and stuff is cool. Others do it specifically so people will call them emo and they are posers. The real emos don't dress like that at all. They are cutters most of the times and may have suicidal thoughts. If they don't cut themselves, they hit themselves or do any other form of self mutilation. They are usually also depressed. This has to be all done on emotion. I've seen posers who go around with blades and alwasy say stuff like "i'm gonna go cut myself listening to MCR(not really emo). Those bands though aren't really emo or goth or anything like that, maybe a little punk though.
Am i emo???
wannabe emo slave.
Am i emo???
ya sorry ur emo but don't let ppl tell u what u are decide for ur self who you want to be
Am i emo???
you probably look like a typical "emo", but i can't really say whether you are or not.
most are just trying to follow the crazy fad. and lol, we have like 5 things in common! i like the same bands, shopping places, girl, and skinny jeans.
but i don't call myself emo. and if you want to be "emo" then so be it. if someone says you're not, then maybe list those reasons as a counterexample.
Am i emo???
You are a unique 'mix'.
I wear converse and vans-I have light brown hair.
I wear skinny jeans-I also wear Hollister.
My hair covers my face-My hair is longer in the back.
I love good charlotte-I also love Nelly Furtado.
I cry at night-I also cry over guys.
I have black fingernails-I have french pedi's on my toes.
I like Hot Topic-I also like Chanel.
Everyone is different. Be who YOU wanna be. I bet you DO smile, just for different reasons than anyone else does!
If "emo" is your label at school, just ignore it. WHO CARES what anyone else thinks, you KNOW its not true. BE YOURSELF!
: )
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