Saturday, June 19, 2010

Dear emo people here?

alternative music sucks,

life is beautiful

and I'll comb your hair properly for you

love and peace to you

Dear emo people here?

I'd like to add that to someone, you are their whole world, so stay healthy and happy for yourself and those that love you......

Dear emo people here?

Hey! Most of my friends are emo! And this isn't even a question.


Dear emo people here?

I am not emo

Dear emo people here?

I have a few emo friends and you dont know what some of them have gone through. so you have no right to tell them whats good for them!

Dear emo people here?

I'm not emo Cornflake.

Dear emo people here?

not all alternative music sucks some is good. more so the 90's and i dont mean any of that emo **** now. metal is way better.

i guess you smoke up now do you??

Dear emo people here?

LOL. Amen. When did being depressed become a fad?! I went to the mall, and walked into a Hot Topic the other day, and the entire vibe was "lets slit our wrists, then we will really be cool. or not cool. whichever is cooler. we're such tools, we dont even know" LOL

Hehehe, to the person who said "you dont know what they have gone through"

Boooo to people who use their bad experiences as an excuse to be weak and pathetic, instead of learning from them and letting themselves grow stronger. Jeez, we all have crap happen, what matters is how you look at it and learn from it.

Dear emo people here?

what?! you poor old crazy man the jello will be there soon!!!! im not emo but the music dosent suck

Dear emo people here?

WOW CONGRATUFUCKINLATIONS i agree wit you but still, ***** off

Dear emo people here?

Dude,this isn't even funny...I'm not Emo or anything, but that's just plain rude.And Alternative music is pretty good in my opinion.

But i agree,Life is Beautiful!


Dear emo people here?

Most of the alternative music that I heard is pretty good.

And I'm not even an emo

Dear emo people here?

Try a hair of the dawg that bit ya.

Dear emo people here?

I'm not emo, you suck. i love alternative and some of my friends are emo. gosh dude! what the heck to do you listen to country?

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