Hi , need hlp with a hairstlye . -?
cheack this out .
i wanna grow my hair like this without haven to get a haircut . im from Egypt so my hair is hard to manage , nevertheless style . can i comb it into place or like use any hair furmulas.
1 more question my friend is African and whants to know is a hair straighter would make his hair straight .
Hi , need hlp with a hairstlye . -hairstylists only- ?
r u emo dont cut yourself? your messed up labeling people.
yes your friends hair will straighten eventually but its a lotta workss.
Hi , need hlp with a hairstlye . -hairstylists only- ?
you can't just grow your hair that way, you have to grow it out long enough, and then cut layers to get it styled that way. and yes if your friend uses a straightner on his hair, it will be straight.
Hi , need hlp with a hairstlye . -hairstylists only- ?
no love a hair straightner make your hair curly
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