Friday, November 20, 2009

I'm looking for pics of some unique hairstyles, like visual kei or emo ^^?

I'm going to a hairdresser soon and i want a diffrent hairstyle %26lt;.%26lt;, my hair is long ( middle back ), straight and blonde-brown, i would like to have some unique hairstyle, i really like visual kei or emo ( i seriously dont like labels %26lt;.%26lt; ), so if someone can help me to pick something or if someone posts a pic, i would be grateful. I

I'm looking for pics of some unique hairstyles, like visual kei or emo ^^?

dis would be cute on you

and please hlp me with my question too :)

I'm looking for pics of some unique hairstyles, like visual kei or emo ^^?

we cannot post pics here

u just search it in google .

u will surely get it as 1st answr

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