i have bangs right now but this is what it looked like b4 i cut them b/c im growing them out and the rest of my hair until the end of summer
this is what i want would i look right
%26lt;a href="http://s151.photobucket.com/albums...
i really want side bangs too
Would i look right with scene hair plzz help?
I think so.
Would i look right with scene hair plzz help?
yeah the haircut would look nice! go for it
Would i look right with scene hair plzz help?
alot of ppl couldnt pull it off
but i think u can ........if u add
some chunky highlights it will be
Would i look right with scene hair plzz help?
OMG you would so look good with that %26lt;33333333333333333333333333333 DO IT! %26lt;3
Would i look right with scene hair plzz help?
...that's not scene hair...geez...fake emo
Would i look right with scene hair plzz help?
no not really. it would fade away your face. and your pictures (except for the last) aren't scene haircuts. scene haircuts are big and in your face. to pull off scene hair well, you need a strong jaw and really strong facial features.
i help style hair and i'm known at my school for my scene hair which i've still managed to keep unique.
i'm not trying to put you down. if you really want to do something, take a picture of you with your hair pulled back, print it out and go crazy with a sharpie.
be somewhat original. if you find a cut you really like, tweak something about it to make it you
Would i look right with scene hair plzz help?
Yes im a guy and I say you'll look very sexy even with out that hair your still Cute but still go for it
Would i look right with scene hair plzz help?
Yes pick the second picture.
Would i look right with scene hair plzz help?
umm nOt all Of them are aCtually sCene Hair But itll lOok awesOmeeeee :)
...dOnt listen tO thOse peOple that say get sOmething Original Or sOmething Or uR emO cOz there just jealOus :)(A)
Would i look right with scene hair plzz help?
why not get side swept bangs.
go for it!
and scene hair.
my friend had both. they look awesome on her.
Would i look right with scene hair plzz help?
This is How you do Scene Hair.
Its a video on youtube.
My friend does hers like this.
She got it from the video.
Works out great :]
Would i look right with scene hair plzz help?
it will look good on you!!!!!!!
if u want more photos than go on
photobucket, imageshack, here on yahoo,
google, ask jeeves.
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