Friday, November 20, 2009

I really wan't a hair cut but Mom say's no?

I want side bangs and a different cut

I have brown hair, highlites, medium length, and is stright. What do I do to get her to say yes. I am 13 years old. Also what are some good styles for teen girls (not emo please). One my Mom might think is acceptiable

I really wan't a hair cut but Mom say's no?

find some pictures online to show her, that might help

I really wan't a hair cut but Mom say's no?

Holy moly, she should just let you. Just tell her that you really want a change and that a haircut is like nothing compared to what other people do to their hair these days.

I really wan't a hair cut but Mom say's no?

well u could get some more layers and i jut got the sidebangs and it got really good. talk to her and find out why she doesnt want u to get a haircut and then tell her ur reasons of why u want a haircut. Hopefully she will understand and let u get ur haircut.

I really wan't a hair cut but Mom say's no?

go for layers with your side bang...

and what i did....

i cut my hair myself. i went from it being down to my butt almost, to a little above my shoulders all by myself....

but im also apparently really good at cutting hair....(i do my friend's hair)

so i wouldnt really recommend that unless your good...

and my mom is sorta layed back, so once she saw that it looked good she just kinda said whatever.

I really wan't a hair cut but Mom say's no?

well i am aslo 13...just tell your mom how you feel gentley and maybe she might accept...go to the enternet and check out what is hot!!!

u might get what you want if you are patient.

I really wan't a hair cut but Mom say's no?

You should sit your mother down and ask her if cutting your hair is more important than school. Your mother should fight battles that are important and hair is not one of the top 10 or top 5. Why not ask if there are certain chores you could do so she may honour your haircut %26amp; style. Worth a try. Good luck.

I really wan't a hair cut but Mom say's no?

I gotta say, I'm with your mom. Dont cut your hair, grow it long, really long. Than braid it.

I really wan't a hair cut but Mom say's no?

Ok,,Show her these styles, and ask her what she thinks with all due respect to her.

Perhaps she will approve of them

I really wan't a hair cut but Mom say's no?

Why would the hairstyle you want be unacceptable? Tell her that it's just hair, and it's something you want to try!

Lol, why do you think we would suggest emo?

I really wan't a hair cut but Mom say's no?

Stand up for yourself!

I really wan't a hair cut but Mom say's no?

cut ur own side bangs, i did mine myself and they were pretty good

1. after washing ur hair tie all ur hair up, except the part u want as bangs

2. put the hair u want as bangs in front of ur face


4. hold hair between fingers and make one straight horrizontal cut

5. then, hold hair about 2 inches away, and start vertical cutting ur hair until it is slanted and angled to a side (hair still in front of face)

push hair to the smaller angle side of the bangs


do all these steps with bangs about a few inches shorter than u want them to be so u can practice

wash and brush/comb hair before cutting

cut in front of a mirror (one u are not holding!)

if cutting over a sink, then put a newspaper over the sink so hair does not clog

good luck!

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